Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Nappy Bags are NOT an investment!


I was reading a magazine the other day and found that a staggering 90% of women buy at least one new handbag every year! Now, at first I was quite shocked, then I realised I was one of them. I mean, if there was a sale on my favourite brand – I would buy one, regardless of the fact that I didn’t actually need a new bag.

 Now why would I do this? Because I could! I like changing my handbag, and I like having different coloured bags and because I get bored with using the same bag for long periods of time. And because I don’t look at handbags as investments – just something I can use while I like it and change it when I get bored with it.

Knowing these stats, it surprises me that some women out there look at their nappy bag as an investment. They want to spend a small fortune on a nappy bag so that it lasts them forever – or at least until they have finished having kids. But why? I can understand the cot, pram and change table as investments but a baby bag?

Now anyone who has kids or has been around kids, knows that at some stage that bag is going to have either spew, milk or food spilt, dropped or rubbed on it or all of the above. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want any of those things on a bag I paid hundreds and hundreds of dollars for. And especially not on a leather bag I had paid for – because you know that it’s never going to be the same after that!

That’s why Total Bag Envy has designed baby bags that, although they will last you for years, are at a price that you can change it for every child, or every outfit. No guilt required!

They are easy to wipe clean without causing any damage to the bag and come in styles and colours that will have everyone surprised that it is actually a baby bag! So don’t look at it as an investment – look at it like it’s your handbag, and get a new one every year or whenever you want a new one!

Total Bag Envy…because mums can have style too!

1 comment:

  1. I suggested she list the diaper bag she wanted on GiftSimple and our group of ... ranging from $200 to over $1200, a Mia Bossi diaper bag is definitely an investment. ... Popular with celebrity moms and dads alike. go here
