Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Top 8 Reasons Why You Should Vote For US!

It’s that time of year again… the My Child Excellence Awards are upon us and our gorgeous Madison nappy bag is in the draw! Honestly, we really want to win this year. Every year we have been runner up (which is still fantastic and something we are very proud of) but it’s usually been the better known, bigger, more established brands that take home first prize. Or overseas companies. So we would love it if our underdog Aussie brand came out and trumped the lot. So, here are our top 8 reasons why you should vote for us!

1. Our bags are made to a high standard using exceptional materials

 2.We like to incorporate bright colours into our bags to brighten up a tired mum’s day.

3. We are Australian!

4. We are normal, everyday women juggling children, work, husbands (or soon to be for me), organising a wedding, housework and trying to look after ourselves for a few minutes in to every single day

5. We design every bag with mums in mind, trying to figure out if it’s easy to grab what you need out, that it’s not too heavy (we don’t want you to put your back out), that the design is fresh and new, that it is big enough for everything you need and so much more I need more than one page! Basically, we design them for you.

6. We price our bags to make them affordable. They are worth more than what we sell them for, we were just sick of there not being any affordable, amazing nappy bags out there.

7. We need a win. The last year has been tough in more ways than one. No we are not looking for a pity vote, we are looking for an empowerment vote. That two women who didn't ‘know’ people in the industry and with no advertising/marketing budget can come out on top once in a while. That a bad year is just that. A bad year. And that this year can bring amazing things.

8. Kym and I love this company and we think our bags are phenomenal! I took one to America and Thailand with me and it had to endure being shoved and thrown around buses and planes, under seats, squashed into over- head lockers, people standing on it, tripping over it. We have had kids chewing on them, jumping on them, swinging off them, kicking them, sticking food to the outside and just throwing food inside so that it gets as squashed as possible. And they have endured all of it.

So we are asking kindly if you could please vote for us this year in the My Child Excellence Awards. We are under ‘Your Favourite Nappy Bag’ in the Style section of the awards. Here is the link to vote:

You can just vote for us or you can vote in every category and go in to the draw to WIN lots of prizes.

And this is the awesome nappy bag you are voting for:

Thank you so much for all of your support!

Until next time,

Kym and Kristy x

Instagram: Total Bag Envy

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