Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Be the first to see what's coming soon!

Can the year slow down please? We are at the end of July and it has just been so crazy busy that I feel like my list of things keeps getting longer! It's growing faster than I can cross them out! That might say more about my time management skills than anything else but I'm going with it.

Anyway, we have some super exciting things coming up. Like our "Real Mums" photo shoot for our Spring/Summer Collection. That is of course if they don't pull out - they are very nervous about being in front of the camera, but they are beautiful and we feel like every women should celebrate themselves. Plus, I love getting new photos and showing you our bags in a different way. I feel like you can get a better picture of the size and shape of the bags as well as seeing that it doesn't matter what colour you choose because our colours go with everything! Yes, even orange!

Also coming up is the relaunch of our very popular Nappy Clutch. We have glossed it up, added new features and made it a must-have item for your Nappy Bag. Here is a sneak peak:

More information will come soon as well as more photos! To be the first to see our photos of our 'real mums' photo shoot or of the new clutches join our newsletter at
You can also 'Like' us on Facebook at , and follow us on Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter!

Monday, 21 July 2014

Did I really write that bucket list?

So this is a bit off topic but a few years ago I wrote a bucket list of 30 things that I really wanted to do before I turned 30. Not in-depth stuff mind you, just fun things I wanted to try and do. Reading through them my first thought was, who wrote this?

Now I did write the list in conjunction with a friend so there is her influence throughout, but as I was reading it I realised how much difference a couple of years really makes. How much a person’s views can change, their ideals, their goals in life, everything. I don’t know whether it’s the transition from your 20’s to your 30’s, or just the very simple fact that I met the love of my life and the person I want in my future.

So, can one person really have so much of an impact on your life? From reading that list, the simple answer is yes!

Now, instead of planning parties and trips away with the girls, I’m now planning a future wedding (hasn't asked me yet though ;)) and babies and houses and grown up things. When you’re single you only have yourself to worry about, you can do as you please whenever you like and there is nothing wrong with that. Introduce one person into that equation though and everything changes. 

I know that this is something most of you already know and are thinking that I’m really slow, but when you haven’t met that person and have been single for most of your 20’s, you just don’t realise how much you change. 

If I wrote that list now, vodka watermelons would be replaced with having a baby and full moon parties would be replaced with a romantic weekend away or taking my nieces and nephews and (future) step son to a water park. In fact, I think I might rewrite it now. 35 things before 35 maybe?

What would change in your list?

Monday, 14 July 2014

Top 3 Items For Your Nappy Bag!

We often get asked the question “what do you need to pack in your nappy bag?”.  

We put the question out to the fabulous mums in our Facebook group, and the results are in! 

  • 1  Nappies and wipes, kept in the Total Bag Envy Nappy Clutch (more in stock soon);
  • 2    Soft muslin wrap that can be used as either a wrap or blanket;
  • 3    Dummy

What are your top 3 items?

To join us on Facebook go to: 

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

The reasons behind our Photo Charm

We have had some people asking about how we came up with the concept of our Photo Charm and it is such a beautiful story that we have to share it with you…

Imagine being 27 weeks pregnant with your first baby. You are so happy and excited and have been doing everything your doctor has told you. Then, without warning you go into labour. Happiness and excitement turn to fear and anxiety about your child’s life and whether they have developed enough to survive.

This was the reality for not one but two of our relatives, two weeks apart. One had a baby girl at 27 weeks and the other a baby boy at 29 weeks. Luckily and thankfully both babies survived and are now thriving but the weeks they encountered straight after their birth were terrifying. They both said that the hardest thing was not being able to hold their baby and the only way they could keep them close was through photos on their phone.

It was these stories and knowing there are plenty more out there, some without a happy ending that inspired our Photo Charm. We wanted to design a Photo Charm so that parents were just a glance away from their premmie baby, newborn, school child or family photo. Something they could keep close to them at all times whether it’s on their nappy bag, handbag or keys. The photo is easily changeable so that it can change as their family grows and changes. Or as a memory of how small they once were and the lifetime of memories that have been created ever since.