Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Valentine's Day - Romantic or Over Rated?

So guess what is coming up next week? That's right, Valentine's Day!!! February is the month of LOVE and romance!

Kym and I have differing views of Valentine’s Day. She thinks it is over- rated, expensive and an excuse for people to buy presents for no reason. Kym and her husband have a deal that they don’t buy each other anything. I think that secretly she does want something, but won’t admit it! Kym would be over the moon with either a card, flowers or just an ‘I love you’ but I know for a fact that she would like a weekend away! Her husband is male however so he doesn’t really catch on to Kym looking him in the eye and saying ‘let’s go away for a weekend’ hint. So, they normally completely forget most special occasions and don’t give each other anything for Valentine’s Day, Anniversaries, Christmas….

Me on the other hand, well I have had a love/ hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. I have been single for more Valentine’s Day than partnered up, so those years I hated it (although occasionally I was still given roses so I loved those years!).  Now, however, I have an amazing partner and can’t wait for Valentine’s Day! He has already told me he is buying me a present and now I have the dilemma of what to buy him! He works away and only gets back on Valentine’s Day so we have agreed that I would cook a romantic dinner for us but presents are beyond me.

Yes, I agree that Valentine’s Day is expensive and an excuse to buy something for someone but what is wrong with that? What is wrong with wanting one night in the whole year when it is just about the two of you, showing each other how much they mean to you? I know that telling and showing each other how much they mean to you should be done every day but how many people actually do that? Especially when there are children involved and then most things revolve around them and they don’t understand that mum and dad need some time out from them! Their worlds revolve around them remember!

Either way, Kym and I wanted to share our picks for what we would be happy with. Kym is a mother to three lively boys so she would love the Lyla bag! It has heaps of room for everything her three boys would need and she thinks this would be such a gorgeous present for other mums or mothers to be.


My pick, being without children, would prefer one of our gorgeous handbags, clutches or evening bags. I have had my eye on a couple for a while, just didn’t know how to sneak them past Kym!  I also think they would be the perfect present because they are all ON SALE!! That means getting an amazing present without the expensive cost. You could also just buy one for yourself and tell your partner he bought it….or it has been in the cupboard for ages! lol.

So whether you have Kym’s views of Valentine’s Day or mine, we both hope you have a fantastic (and romantic) day. You can view the rest of our bags at www.totalbagenvy.com.au

Until next time,

Kym and Kristy xx

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