Sunday, 29 September 2013

What to pack in your hospital bag

Having a baby is such an exciting time.  You get to go shopping for baby gear, decorate the nursery and have fun with baby names.  What is just as important as your baby’s bag is your bag.  Hit the shops one last time before baby and spoil yourself with some comfy items to make your stay in hospital more comfortable.  

Our must have items to pack in your hospital bag are:

·         Hospital paper work/medicare/private health cards;
·         3 sets of button up pyjamas or nighties;
·        Dressing gown; 
      Maternity Bras;
·        Heaps (and we mean heaps) of comfy undies (if ever there was a time for granny panties, this is it!); 
 ·    A couple of sets of your smaller sized maternity outfits (pants and loose fitting tops);
·         Maternity pads;
·         Breast pads;
·         Baby’s going home outfit;
·         Toiletries;
·         Camera/phone/phone charger;
·         Books or magazines;
·         Hair bands;
·         Water bottle;
·         Change of clothes for your hubby/partner/birth partner

Optional items are:

·         Massage oil;
·         Aromatherapy oil;
·         Relaxing music;
·         Make up;
·         Lollies/chocolates

Try and get your bag packed at around 36 weeks in case labour comes on early, and then you can kick back and try to get some much needed sleep before bub comes!

Monday, 16 September 2013

This is who we are...

I don’t know about you but the main thing I worry about when I shop online is, ‘are they legit?’ Are they an actual business? Are they going to take my money and not send the goods? They are some of the questions that I worry about and then I thought that maybe people think the same about our online business!  I then realised that I haven’t really introduced myself to you properly so maybe that is something you worry about!

My name is Kristy Hodgkinson and along with my sister Kym, we own Total Bag Envy. So, who are we really? Before we decided to venture into the world of business and were up to our eyeballs in nappy bags, I worked as a Skin Therapist and Kym worked with children in the Government. Now you are probably thinking, what? How did they get into business? Good question!

I actually started off wanting to do something in health and nutrition and then took a slight turn and studied the skin. As a skin therapist, customer service and exceptional knowledge of our clients’ issues and how to fix them was a must! We did a lot of work with acne, wrinkles, veins, freckles as well as a lot of work with pregnant women who developed pigmentation, mainly on their forehead and cheeks. It is actually quite common and I will tell you all about it another day! Another big part of my old job was Sales so I have had many years of experience in customer service, sales and also had a small stint as a teacher, as well as learning how to run a business (and what not to do).

Kym has had many years of experience in Management and Motherhood. She has been a Team Leader, Manager and Senior Prac and she is very good at it! She also has three very lively and active boys. Yes, three boys under 8. So as you can guess, she does try to order me around a bit. BUT, the best part of her being my sister is that I don’t have to listen to her (except when she uses that mum voice)! Of course, that’s not really how to run a successful business but I can tell her that we need to discuss it further because I don’t agree with her – and she has to!

Anyway, I’m getting off topic a bit. So why did we get into business? The short answer is we wanted to. We have always wanted to start our own business and when Kym became a mother it all slowly fell into place. I’m a dreamer and Kym is a realist so we actually complement each other quite well. Both of us like pushing ourselves and seeing what we can accomplish and we both like learning (luckily).

 With all of our years combined of sales, customer service, management, motherhood and a healthy obsession with handbags and expressing ourselves through our bags (as well as fashion but accessories really make an outfit) we are absolute experts in our business. We LOVE what we do and I hope that resonates through our bags. 

You can view our bags for yourself at

Sunday, 1 September 2013


We are on a health kick here at Total Bag Envy central! Spring is here and you know what that means – warmer weather, cute dresses and dare I say; bikinis. Now I have always looked after myself by exercising and trying to eat well (most days anyway ;) ). It’s something that I love doing as it makes me feel good, relaxed, energized and strong. However, over the last year I have had injuries and illnesses that have slowed down my routine (sometimes completely) as well as a couple of overseas holidays where the routine goes out the window! So now I feel like I really need to step things up.

Now I don’t know about you but I am one of those people who get annoyed when I can’t see any results from my fitness routine in the first week! I know that it takes quite a bit longer than a week to see results – I’m not that silly – but somewhere in my brain is telling me I want to see some change! I think this is because when you do any form of exercise you feel good – and when you continue on any kind of exercise program you feel/are fitter and feel like you can take on the world! Then you look in the mirror and nothing seems to have changed…

Stop looking! Depending on how much weight you have to lose will depend on how fast you and everybody else notices. Like I said, you will FEEL it first, you will start feeling better, sleeping better, eating better etc. The people you see every day, eg, partner, family, work colleagues, these are the people who won’t notice your weight loss or toned up bod straight away. It may even take 12 weeks for them to notice!! Not very perceptive are they? Lol. The reason for this is because your body is making slight changes, often, over a long period of time. The people who only see you every now and then, they are the ones who will notice first! This is because they would still be remembering you the way they last saw you, so for you to lose weight or tone up – for them you have done it quickly!

This is also the same the other way around. Look at new couples for example. A lot of new couples put on a bit of weight because they may slow down their exercise routine so they can spend more time together or go out to dinner, which means they may be eating more than normal, making dinner for their partner so perhaps the serving sizes get bigger etc. and they don’t notice it for a few months because they see each other all the time. It’s usually only when your mum tells you that you've put on weight that you really pay attention!

So stop looking and just start moving. Whether it is running, walking, dancing, tennis, boot camp or gym, just start slowly and build up. The more you do something the better you get at it so just don’t give up. It is super easy to come up with excuses on why you don’t have time but there are a couple of great sayings that I love. One is ‘The person who is busier than you is working out right now’ and ‘Exercise or Extra Size?’ Just half an hour a day can make a difference – I even do things while watching my favourite shows on TV. I do step ups and triceps’ dips on my coffee table, leg exercises, crunches, push-ups  I even have a hoola hoop for a bit of fun. There are a lot of activities you can do to get active so if you are not into going to the gym there is still something out there for you.

And if nutrition is where you are falling apart you can always try the My Fitness Pal app which monitors your calorie intake and exercise everyday or if that isn't for you you can always try The Calorie Bible which is a fabulous guide to choosing the healthiest foods and snacks as well as providing great health and weight loss tips So come and join us in our health kick and get moving!!