Nappy bag essentials
People ask us all the time what really needs to go in
their nappy bag. Looking into the nappy bag beside me I see a bottle/drink
holder, one nappy, some wipes that are drying out, one shoe and some sultanas
(no, not in the box). Probably not the best example, but it got me thinking
about what really needs to be in a nappy bag (definitely not the floating
There has been a lot written about what you need to take
with you in your nappy bag and the list seems to get longer with each new
article. Most first time mothers will follow these lists and then wonder why
they have a sore back from carrying around the kitchen sink. What you really need will change depending on
where you are going and the age of your bub. If you are just going to the shops
for an hour, you really don’t need much but if you are going out all day, your
bub is only a few months old, or has been a bit sick, you need to take more
with you.
Here are our 15 basic nappy bag essentials:
1. Bottles
and formula (make sure you have enough plus a spare) or breast pads
2. Nappies
3. Wipes/
wet ones (for the obvious but also to clean fingers etc.)
4. Spit
rag (otherwise YOU might need a change of clothes)
5. Wrap
(to either wrap the baby, use as a sheet or cover yourself while breastfeeding)
6. Change
of clothes – very important in case of poo explosions
7. Dummy
(if you choose to use one)
8. Change
9. Bottle
10. Snacks
for yourself or your child/toddler
11. Small
12. Wallet
13. Mobile
14. Keys
15. Lipstick (so you always feel good about
yourself even if you are running on 3hrs sleep!)
Then, if your baby is sick, add baby panadol to the bag;
if you will be in the sun add sunscreen and a hat; if there is going to be
mozzies add insect repellent; if it’s winter add a jumper; if you are swimming,
take a swim nappy. These are all items you do not need to be carrying around,
weighing down your bag each and every day. As your baby gets older there are
things you can take out and probably fill with other things. Go with what you
think you and your baby will need and you won’t go wrong. Mum’s know best after all! Total Bag Envy
baby bags are big enough to fit all of your basic essentials with room to spare
so make sure you have a look at our website, www.totalbagenvy.com.au